August 1, 2018 | Swift, Server-Side Swift, Vapor, macOS
In Part 3 we started working with a `Park` model and defined two endpoints that returned information about parks. We used an in-memory array to hold `Park` instances. In this tutorial we'll set up a PostgreSQL database . . .
July 28, 2018 | Swift, Server-Side Swift, Vapor, macOS
In Part 2 we explored the basic structure of a Vapor app. Next we'll look at how to declare simple routes with dynamic path components and query parameters. Our API will model information about U.S. national parks, so we'll start by declaring a simple `Park` model. For now, we'll keep an array of parks in memory and define two routes.
July 5, 2018 | Swift, Server-Side Swift, Vapor, macOS
In Part 1 we saw how to install Vapor and create an Xcode project using the default `api` template. That project comes with a lot of code demonstrating the basics of building an API in Vapor. It uses SQLite as the database and a `Todo` model and controller as an example. Our app will eventually use PostgreSQL . . .
July 5, 2018 | Swift, Server-Side Swift, Vapor, macOS
Vapor is a web framework for Swift. It runs on macOS, iOS, and Linux, and can be used to build websites, web applications, and APIs. Frameworks like Vapor make it possible to build entire products in Swift, including a backend, web app, marketing site, and Apple device app (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS).